Changing the focus ... the trick that can help us obtain a totally new life … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Changing the focus ... the trick that can help us obtain a totally new life … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Years ago ... i had 2 amazing friends that i spent lots of time with.

I knew their professional, but also their personal life ... and we sometimes had lots of fun talking about our life experiences.

You see ... both of them were businessmen ... but one was focus too much on his business ... and one was following the middle way ... business, ladies, fun ... enjoying the life itself.

And guess what?!

Who was a better business man?!

The one that focus a lot on making money and transforming his business into a better one ... or the one that discovered the art of enjoying the pleasure of being alive?!

Well ... maybe it was a simple coincidence ... but the second one was always ... much more successful.

Bill ... the guy focused only on business ... the one that saw nothing around ... except all the problems regarding customers and everything related with that ... was somehow ... blind.


He actually lost the power of seeing the beauty of life ... but John ... the other guy ... he was so opened mind ... that he was searching all day long new ways of feeling the joy of life.

And ... without having a logical explanation ... John was always more successful than Bill, even if he was not losing so much time in his office, as Bill was doing.

The scenario continued for years ... and one day suddenly Bill ... speaking daily so much with John ... realized that his mind was too focused on problems ... and he was never thinking about the beauty of life.

He was not seeing the beauty of nature, the pleasure of walking into the park, the pleasure that John had ... socializing all day long with so many ladies etc etc.

He was not so successful as John, even if he was working much more as his friend ... simple because he was not mastering the art of focusing on beautiful things ... and business is not always a beautiful thing.

Bill was in fact ... blind ... as a human being.

Everything except his focus on money ... was seen as a temptation came from the Devil ... and on a honest definition for his friend ... he could even say that John was following the path of the Devil.

But realizing all what was going on, seeing the statistical datas ... comparing him to John ... Bill decides to change his life ... but changing his focus.

He discovers ... the nature.

He starts to see the beauty of weather ... even if it was a sunny ... or a rainy day.

Starts to see all the adventures he missed with so, so many ladies ... and decides to pay more attention to any new lady


that appears on the scene of his life.

And guess what happened?!

By changing his focus ... not only on what he needs to do ... but also on what he loves to do ... his life changed ... a lot.

Comparing again himself with John ... becomes useless ... because he starts to love the new paths that he is following now ... the same paths that not so long time ago ... he was defining as the paths of the Devil.

He sees ... how beautiful the life itself is.

So ... all what was defined as bad ... now was a beautiful experience.

A new life ... simple obtained by the changing of his focus.

Bill continues ... to redefine himself ... more and more ... so me and John are amazed seeing the change.

And we could even say that Bill ... becomes a model for us ... but we can’t understand ... who is the Devil now?!


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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